Install the PowerCLI Module

Before I can begin working with PowerCLI, I’ll first need to install the module.

From my computer, I’ll open PowerShell as an Administrator and install the VMware PowerCLI module from the PS Gallery by typing:

Install-Module VMware.PowerCLI -Force


Initial Configuration of PowerCLI

Because this is my first time using a PowerShell module on this computer, I need to allow the execution of the module I’ve just installed. For lab purposes, I’ll set the policy to Unrestricted.

Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted

I’ll then opt out of the Customer Experience Improvement Program for all users:

Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -ParticipateInCeip $false -Scope AllUsers

And since my vCenter lab has a non-trusted SSL certificate, I’ll also need to set PowerCLI to ignore invalid certificates:

Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -InvalidCertificateAction Ignore

Connect to vCenter

Now all the prerequisites are filled, I can connect to vCenter.

I find it useful to store the credentials in a variable in case I need to later reconnect or connect to a different vCenter.

Store the vCenter credentials in a variable using the Get-Credential command.

$vscreds = Get-Credential

Then connect to the vCenter server1 using the credentials variable2.

Connect-VIServer -Server vcsa.breakdown.lab -Credential $vscreds
  1. You can also connect to stand-alone ESXi hosts with Connect-VIServer, but some commands only work with when connected to a vCenter server. 

  2. If you’d like, you can add the -SaveCredentials parameter to save the credentials to the credentials store when using Windows PowerShell.